
Saturday, October 20, 2018

More Pleasant Weather for Astrophotography

Using a new 2" camera adapter.  Alas, no eyepiece projection tube. 1/320th; ISO 400.  Enhanced with GIMP; converted to gray scale with IrfanView.  (GIMP must have that capability--but where?)
Trying to get perfectly sharp focus on a telescope and camera is not easy.  Unlike older film 35mm cameras, there seems to be no ground glass center for ultrasharp focus,

Here I used unsharp mask in GIMP:
I also did some eyepiece projection (using the 1.25" camera adapter) to increase magnification.   This is with the 25mm eyepiece; ISO 100; 1/20th.

Eyepiece projection is hard.  Getting sharp focus is even harder; exposures get longer; more opportunity for wind to move the scope during exposure.  Sometimes everything comes together.  Prime focus; 1/160th; ISO 100:

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