
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Why I Still Read Comments Elsewhere But No Longer Respond

There was a crapfest in the comments on an article by Cass Sunstein.  As I read the increasingly nasty and prejudiced comments about why the ivory tower has almost no Republicans or conservatives (remember these are not identical), I remembered that an early discovery of Mueller was that Russians organized post-election rallies for and against Trump--apparently to promote internal division in the U.S.  A civil war here would likely allow Russian expansion into Europe.

I suspect many of these hyperbolic comments are being posted by guys named Ivan and Sergei for that same purpose.

1 comment:

  1. "I suspect many of these hyperbolic comments are being posted by guys named Ivan and Sergei for that same purpose. "

    I've seen enough people I Actually Know babbling on Facebook to doubt that Russians need to pretend to be smug Progressives who Just Know Everyone To The Right Of Obama Is Stupid And Wrong And Bad.

    (I'm neither a Conservative nor a Republican, and it drives me mad.)
