
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Why Do Airbus Airliners

Always sound at landing like the structure is bolted together instead of welded, and half the bolts are loose?  I feel better in a Boeing or Canadair.


  1. Probably safer in the Boeing. Airbus has a different command perspective than we do here. They design their aircraft with the computers having pilot override priority. If the computer decides to not allow a command, it doesn't happen. People have died directly due to this philosophy. You can see incidents on u-tube. Really stupid.

    They have other stupid ideas. The airliner that crashed a few years ago off of Brazil exhibited another of their really bright ideas. The (French!) crew were idiots, and one pilot was applying full up, and the other was pushing full down on the elevators. The system decided to average the input (sidestick controllers, so not really obvious what each was doing). The plane impacted the ocean in a high speed stall, killing all.

    The Hudson River landing? The only air start engine procedure the pilots had ran dozens of pages and they barely got into the process before they hit the water. It was intended for use at 20k+ ft altitude. They never considered losing engines at that low altitude. Oops!

    Their ditching procedure was also a very long process, so that didn't get finished, either. They hit going too fast, which caused enough damage that the plane sank when it should have floated. Airbus should have gotten a large black eye from that incident, but they lucked out for various reasons.

  2. The name "Airbus" conjures images of a Greyhound terminal, not state-of-the-art aircraft. It's not as bad as naming flying contraptions after Icarus...

  3. Airliner fuselages are generally held together with rivets and bolts. Aluminum does not weld all that well.

  4. Because the various composite pieces are bolted together....
