
Monday, September 17, 2018

The Kavanaugh Accusations Are Bearing Weird Fruit

The woman behind the letter accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, Christine Blasey Ford, has naturally been herself the subject of much news since her name was made public on Sunday. Among reports coming out, Fox News Channel’s Laura Ingraham tweeted a story a short time ago that says Ford’s parents were defendants in a case that was presided over by Brett Kavanaugh’s mother, of whom he has spoken at length during confirmation hearings.
Odd.  I recall one of Roy Moore's accusers had been before him in a divorce case.  So many coincidences!  9/16/18 Washington Post:
Ford said she told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.”
Some have suggested that was a repressed memory, and might not be trustworthy.  Repressed memories are real, but usually involve children who have been raped: severe traumas.  If her allegation is true, it sounds scary, not traumatic.  And repressed memories are not always trustworthy.  Perhaps she remembered a real attack, and attached a name she had recently seen in the news to it.

This may not even work.  9/17/18 The Hill quotes Se. Collins (R-ME), one of the squishy Republicans the Democrats need:
“What is puzzling to me is the Democrats, by not bringing this out earlier, after having had this information for more than six weeks, have managed to cast a cloud of doubt on both the professor and the judge,” Collins told The New York Times.

Collins asked if Democrats believed Ford, "why didn't they surface this information earlier," and if they didn't believe Ford, "why did they decide at the 11th hour to release it?"

"It is really not fair to either of them the way it is was handled," Collins said.

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