
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Some Things Never Change

6/3/1925 San Pedro News-Pilot:
Chicago is Setting New Record for Murders This Year
CHICAGO, June 3. Already known as the “crime capital of the nation,” Chicago is setting a new record for murders this year. Figures made public today by the Chicago crime commission showed there were 170 murders committed In the first five months of this year—an average far above one each day for the 151 days. The month of May, with 37 murders, exceeds any other similar period with the exception of the 1919 race riots, since the crime commission was organized, January 1, 1918.


  1. Are they importing their water from Flint? I've been following the "Chi-Town" murder rates for years, and as far as I can tell Chicago serves America as a good example why draconic gun control measures are enforced to the detriment of the honest citizen.

  2. Lead poisoning does increase murder rates, as I have pointed out in the past. Considering where he is from: could it explain Michael Moore?
