
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Riotiously Funny Parody on YouTube

The Wreck of the Hillary Clinton.  Sings as bad as I do, but you will never hear The Wreck of the Edmund  Fitzgerald the same way again.


  1. That was funny, but you weren't kidding about bad singing.

    That guy couldn't carry a tune in a bucket!

    The video would have been a lot better if there had been some visuals to take one's mind off the bad singing; heaven knows, there's plenty of Hillary material out there!

  2. In a bucket? He needs a lid!
    What's funny is to read the comments about how to use the tune as a parody is to dishonor the crew of the Edmund Fitzgerald, and the comments in reply. I guess we can't listen to any of Woody Guthrie's songs anymore, since he recycled tunes the way the Left wants us to recycle everything.
