
Friday, August 24, 2018

Weapon Substitution As A Gun Nut Bogeyman

The 100th murder investigation in 2018 has been launched in London as the body of a 73-year-old pensioner was found in a blazing house....
The death marks the 100th murder investigation in London this year.
The year got off to a bloody start with three young men all stabbed to death on New Year's Eve in unrelated incidents.

1 comment:

  1. AFAIK, the term "murder" is only used in GB after a person has been convicted of a crime. Otherwise, it is a "suspicious death" or other similar weasel term. This is a common way that nations hide criminally caused deaths, to artificially lower their crime rates. No conviction, no murder. Doesn't much matter what the media calls it, the official numbers are what the govt issues.
