
Sunday, July 8, 2018


7/7/18 New York Post reports Felonia Pantsuit is apparently preparing to repeat her kamikaze run in 2020.  Adlai Stevenson failed against Eisenhower in 1952, and repeated in 1956.  There was the same arrogant smugness back then.   At one point, a supporter told Stevenson, "All the smart people are voting for you."  His equally smug response, "Madam, I need a majority."


  1. I'd send her $50 to run, but that would be bad precedent on my part I get enough solicitations for charities.

  2. I wonder if sending her money instead of Bernie would qualify as tampering with an election. I do live in Texas and I am now registered as a Republican.

  3. Please vote for her on Drudge!

  4. The last general election loser to run for and win the general election was Richard Milhous Nixon. Who waited eight years to run again. In addition it can be argued that Nixon rightfully won the '60 election. Not that I do. It is unarguable the Nixon was sober, industrious and smart. Hillary Rodham Clinton is no Richard Nixon.

  5. At least Stevenson realized that he had to get people who weren't of the chattering classes to actually win. Today's Democrats seem to have forgotten that.
