
Monday, July 30, 2018

One of Those Articles That Make You Look for The Onion in the URL

7/25/18 Sacramento Bee:
A proposal introduced Tuesday to ban employee cafeterias in future San Francisco office buildings represents more than an effort to boost the city’s restaurant scene, backers say.
“People will have to go out and (eat) lunch with the rest of us,” Aaron Peskin, a San Francisco supervisor who co-sponsored the proposal, told The San Francisco Examiner.
“This is also about a cultural shift,” Supervisor Ahsha Safai, who proposed the ban, told The San Francisco Chronicle. “We don’t want employees biking or driving into their office, staying there all day long and going home. This is about getting people out of their office, interacting with the community and adding to the vibrancy of the community.”
The verb isn't "interacting"; it is "robbed or mugged."

UPDATE: Why can't they ban eating at home?  It prevents "interacting" with everyone else in S.F.


  1. Apparently, these geniuses have never heard of "brown bagging it." Or are brown bags next on their ban list?

  2. Maybe they can get rid of employee bathrooms and people can just go outside.

    Oh wait...

  3. “We don’t want employees biking or driving into their office, staying there all day long and going home."
    But you want them all bicycling to the office. I've seen the advertising touting that very thing.
    Once again, the truth of, "You can't repeal the law of unintended consequences" is proven with brutal efficiency.

    And if it isn't the law about bicycling to work, it's the one about minimum wage. Suddenly everyone is an independent contractor. Ooops! Who saw that coming?

  4. I'm so glad to know that San Francisco has turned their city around so significantly that they no longer need to be concerned about gangs, drugs or homeless campers poopin' in the streets and can instead signal their concerns about the socialization of geeks. That is so awesome! And with Austin going the same route there is great hope across the land!

    And all under the Trump umbrella of Making American Great Again!!
