
Friday, July 27, 2018

Civil War II Is Coming

7/27/18 Roll Call:
Authorities arrested and indicted a Tennessee man this week who threatened to assault and murder Rep. Diane Black.
Clifton Ward allegedly threatened to kill Black, a Republican who is running for governor of Tennessee, after she introduced the Border Wall Trust Fund Act to help the federal government pay for President Donald Trump’s envisioned wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Ward left a voicemail at one of Black’s district offices, officials told WKRN in Nashville.
“They were serious enough threats that the grand jury did take action,” Black said in an interview with Fox News Wednesday.
“This is not the first time — and it probably won’t be the last time — that when people get angry they do and say things that are threatening,” Black said. “I can tell you that they were very serious and they were threatening enough where they concerned the police.”
Where are the threats and violence against Democrats?  I fear that this is going to get more frequent as the economy starts to evaporate the usual Democrat clients out of poverty, leaving only the  basement-dwelling graduates in Victim Studies and Puppetry.   If, as many suspect, the Blue Wave in November turns out to be about 1 mm high, that rage may grow to widespread threats and murder like the Congressional softball team practice and the attack on Sen. Paul.

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