
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Think of All the Crimes Our Police Can Solve If Not Watching Their Backs for Armed Criminals!

6/17/18 Daily Mail:
Less than one in 20 street robberies and burglaries are being solved in the UK, shocking new figures have revealed.
Official police data shows that just four per cent of robberies and three per cent of burglaries were solved in England and Wales in 2017. 
The figures will fuel concerns that there is a crisis in the nation's policing, with one MP describing London as 'the Wild West'.

1 comment:

  1. No, Mr. Minister, it is worse than the "Wild West". There the names of the murderers and bank and train robbers were known. In your lawless country there are just too many and they are too anonymous. A better analogy would be such places as Hell's Kitchen in New York, where the police did not enter in groups of fewer than four. Hardly any murderer from that district is known by name today, but we know the Dalton, the Younger, the James gangs, Billy the Kid, John Wesley Hardin, and even Black Bart, Po-8.
