
Thursday, May 31, 2018

When Are Web Going to Regulate "Assault Media"?

5/30/18 South Florida Sun-Sentinel:
On video, Nikolas Cruz brags about how the forthcoming massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas is going to make him notorious.
It’s a bravado that vanished from the moment of his arrest.
In the videos released Wednesday by prosecutors, Cruz, 19, seems almost gleeful at the prospect of what was to come — the 17 murders and the terror of the survivors.
“Can’t wait,” he said in one recording after chuckling that his former classmates at the Parkland high school were going to know the power of his AR-15 style rifle.
After the Feb. 14 massacre, prosecutors are seeking to put him to death and the families of the victims have glared at him with contempt, anger and a thirst for justice.
“It’s gonna be a big event,” Cruz says in the first video. “When you see me on the news you’ll all know who I am,” he says with a creepy laugh.
Without CNN, etc.'s 24/7 coverage, how many of these crimes would take place?


  1. Bloggers could do their part by redacting names when they quote media.

  2. Ouch! Yes, I will. The book I am writing carefully leaves out names.
