
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The So-Called Blue Wave

I am beginning to think that this is more like "Hilary has it in the bag."  5/8/18 Indianapolis Star:
In a huge upset against two well-established names in Indiana Republican politics, wealthy businessman Mike Braun won Indiana’s high-stakes GOP Senate primary.
Braun, who fueled his bid with millions of dollars of his own money, defeated U.S. Reps. Luke Messer and Todd Rokita in what has been called the nation’s nastiest and most expensive U.S. Senate primary....
Braun will now face off against Sen. Joe Donnelly, who is widely considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats in the November election. The race will be one of a handful that determine which party controls the Senate next year.
Swamp creatures beware.  I do not think personal wealth is the only qualifier for election, but it gives you independence from the swamp. 5/8/18 The Hill reports VP Pence's brother has won the primary for Messer's seat:
Messer, who decided to run for Senate this election cycle instead of seek reelection, was coming in second place to political newcomer Mike Braun in the GOP's Senate primary. With 45 percent of precincts reporting, Braun had roughly 41 percent of the vote to 29 percent each for Messer and Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Ind.).
Greg Pence is strongly favored to win his House seat in the November midterm elections due to the demographics of Indiana’s 6th District, which encompasses rural areas in the southeastern part of the state, including suburbs of Cincinnati and Indianapolis.
President Trump won the district by more than 40 points in 2016, while Messer performed similarly over his Democratic opponent that year.
Another RINO out of the House, likely replaced with a real Republican.  5/8/18 NBC News reports that Blankenship lost the Republican primary in West Virginia.  He was a candidate only a Democrat would want, convicted for his part in the dearths of coal miners in one of his mines.  While claiming to be Trump, Jr., Trump made it clear that anyone else would be a better choice.  Will Morrisey defeat the gun grabbing Manchin in the general election?  Do West Virginians support gun control?

In Ohio, a Trump Republican (almost oxymoronic) won the Republican primary to run against the Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown.  The 5/9/18 Dayton Daily News shows 760K votes in the Republican primary. Midterm vote counts in mid-term elections are typically 3-4 million voters.  If every Republican voter votes for the nominee, that is a long ways toward victory.

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