
Monday, May 21, 2018

So What Would a Clinton Advisor Say?

From 5/20/18 The Hill:
Mark Penn served as pollster and adviser to President Clinton from 1995 to 2000, including during his impeachment. 

The final stopper may be the president himself, offering two hours of testimony, perhaps even televised live from the White House. The last time America became obsessed with Russian influence in America was the McCarthy hearings in the 1950s. Those ended only when Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) attacked an associate of the U.S. Army counsel, Joseph Welch, and Welch famously responded: “Sir, have you no decency?” In this case, virtually every associate and family member of the president has been subject to smears conveniently leaked to the press.
Stopping Mueller isn’t about one president or one party. It’s about all presidents and all parties. It’s about cleaning out and reforming the deep state so that our intelligence operations are never used against opposing campaigns without the firmest of evidence. It’s about letting people work for campaigns and administrations without needing legal defense funds. It’s about relying on our elections to decide our differences. 
Either this guy is remarkably honest, or he knows that the Democrats are about to be hoist by their own petard, and wants them to stop before the whole Democrat establishment gets indicted.

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