
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Oh, Yes, Blue Wave is Inevitable

5/23/18 The Hill:
Democratic Iowa gubernatorial candidate Nate Boulton has been accused of sexual misconduct by three women, the Des Moines Register reported Wednesday.
Three women told the newspaper that Boulton, one of multiple Democrats running in June's primary for his party's nomination, touched them in a sexual manner without their consent.
One woman said Boulton repeatedly grabbed her from behind at a bar in 2015, while two others say the candidate inappropriately touched them more than a decade ago when they and Boulton were students together in law school.
Boulton said in a statement to the Register that he remembered the situations differently, but would not deny the accusations and apologized for misreading social situations.
"Misreading"?  When I was young, the only social situation that might have justified that behavior included everyone being naked at an orgy.  (Not that I was ever in such a situation.)

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