
Friday, May 11, 2018

Imagine if Google Refused to Accept Ads on a Referendum Where Pro-Choicers Needed Ads Run

5/10/18 Irish Times:
Google’s decision to ban all ads relating to the abortion referendum is a significant departure for the tech multinational and an important moment in the referendum campaign.
It is a blow to the No side, which had planned an intensification of an already heavy online advertising campaign in the closing weeks of the campaign before polling day on May 25th.
The spokesman for the Save the Eighth campaign John McGuirk railed against Google’s decision, at a joint press conference with other retain campaigners.
They insisted that Google’s decision – which takes the unprecedented step of banning all ads, including those from Irish citizens and campaigns – amounts to “foreign interference”, by depriving the retain campaign of one of its most important platforms.

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