
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Those Annoying Notifications That I Have Mentioned

That appear in the lower right corner are not from the browser.  They are some sort of Windows 7 notification.  These come from applications like Thunderbird telling me new emails have arrived and from, and one of the conservative Canadian bloggers.  I wanted them dead because if I click in that area, even after the message disappears, I am taken to that webpage.  How do I turn them off?  What are they called, so that I can search for a method of removing them?



  1. I encounter some websites that do this - it comes from the site itself. I can't comment on Windoze notifications since I browse on a Mac.

  2. I had this experience after I had mistakenly clicked on a popup window which asked "Do you want notifications of new content," or something like that. Luckily for me I only got a few notifications, and was able to return to that site and deny permission.

    Now I automatically deny permission on any popup, regardless of wording. Some of these popups sound like they're just asking for permission to email you, but it's these aggravating notifications that result.

    This article may help you stop them:
