
Monday, April 16, 2018

I Love Watching the Left Destroy Itself

4/14/18 Daily Caller:
Former Hillary Clinton spokesman Jesse Ferguson blamed actress and political activist Susan Sarandon for Friday night’s strike on Syria.
Sarandon, who ultimately supported Jill Stein for president in 2016, was roundly criticized for helping “throw the election to Trump.” Clinton herself addressed the possibility in her book, “What Happened.”...
Sarandon, who revealed that she had faced threats of death and rape from Clinton supporters following the 2016 election, said in a 2017 interview that she believed America would already be at war if Clinton had won the election. “I did think she was very, very dangerous. We would still be fracking, we would be at war [if she was president]. It wouldn’t be much smoother. Look what happened under Obama that we didn’t notice.” 
Clinton supporters are so pro-woman.

And 4/15/18 The Hill has Bill Clinton's attorney calling Comey a liar.

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