
Monday, April 16, 2018

Don't Call Them Quiche Eating Surrender Monkeys

PARIS, April 15 (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday said he had convinced U.S. President Donald Trump to keep troops in Syria for the long term and limit joint strikes to chemical weapons facilities.
Early on Saturday, the United States, France and Britain launched 105 missiles targeting what they said were three chemical weapons facilities in Syria in retaliation for a suspected poison gas attack in Douma on April 7.
"Ten days ago, President Trump was saying 'the United States should withdraw from Syria'. We convinced him it was necessary to stay," Macron said in an interview broadcast by BFM TV, RMC radio and Mediapart online news.
1. So it isn't Trump who wants us to keep us fighting there.

2. Trump can work with the leaders of other countries.

3. France wants us to keep troops there; where are French special forces?

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