
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Another NRA Hater

But Reinking exhibited signs of being paranoid and delusional that manifested in his infatuation with Swift, Det. Sgt. Rob Martellaro noted in a report of his conversation with Sustrich.
Sustrich said Reinking told his coworkers that he bought Swift a $14,000 ring and was going to marry her. But he also said that Swift harassed him.
Another coworker told police that Reinking said Swift was hacking his bank accounts. Rocky Mountain Crane employee John Turley also said that Reinking told him he was gay, which confused everyone because he also said he was going to marry Swift, the police report states.
Turley said he knew Reinking had two rifles and two pistols. He also said he knew he had “mental issues,” according to the report. Reinking disliked the government and the National Rifle Association and he believed he was a sovereign citizen, Turley told police.

1 comment:

  1. This guy sounds typical of NRA-haters to me.

    It's so hard to tell what's mental illness, and what's just ordinary Democrat!
