
Monday, March 5, 2018

This Cannot End Well

I thought at least physical sciences were safe from SJWs.  Nope.  3/1/18 Campus Reform:
Students enrolled in a physics course at Pomona College were required to complete a project addressing issues such as “implicit bias” and “microaggressions.”
Last fall semester, students in Pomona College’s Foundations of Modern Physics (PHYS101 PO) class were required to complete a “Decolonizing Physics” project as a part of their physics coursework. 
Taught by Professor Janice Hudgings, Foundations of Modern Physics is a mandatory course for all students majoring in physics or astronomy. The Pomona College course catalog describes the class as an “introduction to wave mechanics, spectra and structure of atoms, molecules and solids, nuclear physics, and particle physics.”
According to an email obtained by the Independent that was sent from a student asking for assistance on the project, students in Foundations of Modern Physics were “learning and discussing implicit bias, microaggressions, and other similar topics.” 
The email revealed that students are expected to “bring to light some of these issues to both the physics department and Pomona in general,” citing a student movement at Harvard University calling attention to racial microaggressions as an example of the work expected from students enrolled in the physics class.

Why do I keep thinking of how, after the National Socialists came to power, academics who knew better started writing papers about "racial science." 


  1. People talk now of a shortage of engineers and even of people who can basic math. When the Nazi's took power thousands of very skilled scientists and engineers were forced to leave the country because of their religious beliefs. Physics became German physics as opposed by the Jewish Physics of Albert Einstein. Today people have been pushed out of science and engineering who don't believe in climate change. Now even more will be pushed out in the name of "White Privilege" and its involvement in math and science.

  2. Remember, this is an age where someone thinks it's a serious argument that ballistic motion should be deemphasized in physics education not because it isn't important but because males have an unfair advantage in understanding the topic because they stand up to urinate.
