
Sunday, March 18, 2018

More Evidence That Ignorance is Alive and Well

I am sure that you know that slang expression "hooker" is commonly believed to be derived from the name of Civil War General Joseph Hooker, who has a statue outside the Boston legislature.  The entrance door near it is called, for no apparent reason, the General Hooker Entrance. 3/15/18 CBS Boston:
BOSTON (CBS) – A Massachusetts lawmaker wants the “General Hooker Entrance” sign removed from the State House because she calls it a double entendre “misrepresented as respect for a long-dead general.”
Michelle DuBois – a state representative from Brockton, West Bridgewater, and East Bridgewater – tweeted a picture of the sign on Wednesday, saying “#MeToo it’s not all about rape & harassment but also women’s dignity.”
So she thinks, what?  The statue was put up to justify the double entendre entrance name?  I think her parents named her Michelle because they knew America's first black First Lady would be named Michelle.

Oh yes:
A rumor also swirled that the slang word “hooker” came to be based on a group of women prostitutes who used to follow General Hooker around during the Civil War.
Massachusetts Historical Society Librarian Peter Drummey clarified: “It’s not true that it was started because of him. It pre-dates the Civil War. They were really talking about the camp followers, the prostitutes, and other shady hanging around his headquarters.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the entrance name does give a certain je ne sais quoi to the phrase "A Parliament of Whores".
