
Friday, March 30, 2018

CNN Misleads With Headline Again

3/29/18 CNN:
Sessions does not appoint second special counsel to review FBI misconduct claims
But in the article:
Instead, Sessions revealed Thursday that Utah's top federal prosecutor, John Huber, is looking into allegations that the FBI abused its powers in surveilling a former Trump campaign adviser, and claims that more should have been done to investigate Hillary Clinton's ties to a Russian nuclear energy agency.
Hmmm.  The agent in charge decides against while his wife received hundreds of thousands in campaign contributions from Clinton associates?  Nothing suspicious there.  And:
The announcement comes one day after the Justice Department's internal watchdog office confirmed it would review how the FBI obtained a warrant to monitor Trump foreign policy aide Carter Page, as well as the bureau's relationship with Christopher Steele, the author of the Trump dossier.

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