
Friday, December 22, 2017

The Logic Escapes Me

As required, I informed Social Security about my part-time teaching job.  They did a rather detailed interview by phone.  I received some paperwork today that explained that during what they call the "Return to Work phase of nine months, I can make $850 per month without jeopardizing my disability payment.  After that phase I can make $1170 per month without jeopardizing my disability payment.  Why the different amounts?  Is it lower when you are presumably reacquiring some job skill (even if it is Wal-Mart greeter), and after nine months you presumably get a raise to the lordly amount of $6.75/hour?

Not that there is any danger of this teaching one class a semester.  As I tell my students, "Anyone teaching college for the money is weak on arithmetic."  Of course, if all of you buy 10 copies of Lock, Stock, and Barrel (one for yourself and nine copies to make charitable gifts to your local libraries) this might be a problem for a month or two.


  1. Speaking of LS&B, are there any plans for a Kindle format down the road? Maybe after all the first printing has sold out?

  2. Eric: Count on it. Many of the previous books they have published by me have substantial eBook sales.
