
Friday, November 24, 2017

Why Keeping Islamic Extremists Out of America is Not "Islamophobia"

At least 235 people have been killed after a gun and bomb terror attack at a packed mosque in Egypt's North Sinai province today. 
Another 130 people are reported to have been injured, making it the worst terror attack in the country's modern history.
The terrorists reportedly detonated a bomb in the mosque's creche before firing on fleeing worshippers while blocking escape routes with burnt-out cars. 
Egypt's military has begun conducting air strikes around the area of North Sinai, security sources and eyewitnesses said....

The suspected Islamic State attack took place at the Al-Rawdah Sufi mosque in Bir al-Abed, near El-Arish, during Friday prayers. Extremist Sunni jihadists have previously targeted Sufis - a mystical Islamic sect - for deviating from orthodoxy. 

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Progressives insist many Muslims are moderate and sensible.  True; I have worked with some.  But how long before the crazies start murdering Muslims here for being insufficiently crazy?

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