
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Vegas Shooter Again

The man who killed 58 people at a country music festival in Las Vegas last month had been depressed after losing a significant amount of money in the past two years and that may have been a "determining factor" in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history, the city's sheriff said.
Gunman Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old high-stakes gambler and real estate investor, had lost a "significant amount of wealth" since September 2015, which led to "bouts of depression," Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said in an interview this week with Las Vegas news station KLAS-TV.
 Now, this is plausible.  He was angry at the casino.  He wants revenge.  Antidepressants sometimes energized depressed people to a state where their anger can be expressed in very dangerous, aggressive ways.  Diazepem's side effects do not list such, but again, this could be a six sigmas from the norm consequence; humans are amazingly variable.

A tragedy, but someone this rich and organized cannot be stopped.  Two tanker trucks of the binary poison gas available at WalMart could have done worse damage.  An bomb on the side of a gasoline truck driven into the crowd would have caused enormous loss of life from collisions, then the bomb would have sent out a sheet of flaming gasoline.

1 comment:

  1. Doubt he would have used poison gas or gasoline. He bought guns for years, that was what he felt he knew. And I still want to see a formal report on what guns he used and whether any were modified!

    I also doubt the money loss angle. The market didn't do well in 2015, but has been steadily rising for two straight years. One other report said he was happy with Trump because the markets were up. Housing prices have also been rising. He would have really had to loose a lot at the tables in Vegas to negate that.
