
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

San Antonio Mass Murderer Was Hospitalized for Mental Illness Problems

11/7/17 Washington Post:
The gunman who killed more than two dozen people in a small church outside San Antonio on Sunday had a string of troubling episodes in recent years, including an escape from a mental health facility in 2012 after he was caught sneaking guns onto an Air Force base “attempting to carry out death threats” against military superiors, according to a police report.
In light of his criminal history, call me utterly unsurprised.  There's little point to mandatory background checks if the responsible government agencies don't report these disqualifiers.

1 comment:

  1. "My Brother Ron" got mention in an Instapundit comment thread. Commenter ontheleftcoast cited the passage concerning the "astonishingly strong negative correlation between the institutionalization rate, and the murder rate."
