
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Obamacare Death Rattle

11/16/17 New York Times (of all places):
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Consumers here at first did not believe the health insurance premiums they saw when they went shopping for coverage this month on Only five plans were available, and for a family of four with parents in their mid-30s, the cheapest plan went typically for more than $2,400 a month, nearly $30,000 a year.
With the deadline for a decision less than a month away, consumers are desperately weighing their options, dismayed at the choices they have under the Affordable Care Act and convinced that political forces in Washington are toying with their health and well-being.
Of course it is Trump's fault.  He has only been in office since January and already stuff that has been building for at least a year is his fault.

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