
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Gun Control Advocates Want to Imagine Gun Culture is Dying

Post-Trump, background checks have certainly fallen, but 11/25/17 USA Today:
WASHINGTON — The FBI was flooded Friday with more than 200,000 background check requests for gun purchases, setting a new single day record, the bureau reported Saturday.
In all, the FBI fielded 203,086 requests on Black Friday, up from the previous single-day highs of 185,713 last year and 185,345 in 2015. The two previous records also were recorded on Black Friday.


  1. Last time at the gun store, the majority of purchasers were women buying carry guns...purple was the most popular. I thought they looked very nice too. I hate the pink and pastel blue ones.

  2. My guess is that the high number is due to discounting by gun dealers and manufacturers, due to reduced demand now that Hillary is no longer a threat.

    But your point is valid. Lotsa folks want guns.
