
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Boise Area: Need a Mouser?

The puppy and the cat (Tater) are not hitting it off.  The puppy wants to play with the strange looking dog; Tater is not happy, and has started expressing himself by territorial spraying.  Between the two of them, they are going to ruin at least the smell of the house. if not the furniture  I love Tater; he likes to sit on my lap and purr, while I scratch him behind the ears, but the puppy is non-negotiable, and that means the cat has to go.  He is 15 years old, litter box trained (if you don't have a puppy--he has coexisted with adult dogs in the past), he probably has not many years left, and in good health (a couple rotten teeth recently removed) but he has been a pretty effective mouser and he can be quite adorable.


  1. Talk about being cold hearted. What kind of person does that to a senior cat?

    1. One that wants his wife to retain her sanity. Two pets leaving pals and deposits everywhere.

    2. I would prefer not to. Two pets. Leaving puddles and piles everywhere are driving wife and mebstd.

  2. Simple Solution brand, Stain and Odor remover. Got it at a pet store chain. Works VERY well. Even works on concrete.

  3. Have you had him checked for a urinary tract infection? That can make cats start urinating everywhere all of a sudden. If that is ruled out, have you searched online for any potential remedies to troublesome cat-dog relations.

    At 15 the trauma of losing the only family he's known could be fatal.

  4. The vet started him on antibiotics today. If that does not work, Prozac.

  5. That is a terrible thing to do to a cat that has been a companion for many years.

    Downright crappy, in fact. He's earned a place in your world in his aging years.
