
Sunday, October 29, 2017

You Are Perfectly Entitled to Refuse to Self-Incriminate Yourself

And without legal consequences.  And the rest of us have the right to assume that this is because you know you have broken the law.  10/18/17 Bloomberg Politics:
Two executives of a firm that helped produce an opposition-research dossier that makes salacious claims about President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia refused to answer questions Wednesday in a private meeting with the House Intelligence Committee.
Fusion GPS partners Peter Fritsch and Thomas Catan invoked their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination, said their lawyer, Joshua Levy. He said they would cooperate with "serious" investigations and also claimed that a "Trump cabal has carried out a campaign to demonize our client for having been tied to the Trump dossier."
By the way, "salacious" fails to capture its lewdness.  It would not be fit for discussion at a San Francisco dinner party.

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