
Monday, October 2, 2017

The Democrats Are Again Demanding Gun Control

Let's offer them licensing of machine guns and any gun easily convertible to a machine gun.  When they say "Yes," we give up nothing.


  1. How about tell them we'll trade them licensing of Machine Guns for requiring a 200 dollar tax stamp from the Federal Government to get an abortion?

  2. Err, the "any gun easily convertible" includes AR-15's and, I think, AK-47's. Depending on how you define "easy" and you know how the Dems will define it.

    So, we give up something.

    Besides, why should we offer anything? We haven't done anything different lately. It isn't *us* who are doing this

  3. Current law defines any gun readily convertible to be machine gun. That means 8 hours in a fully equipped macgine shop.

  4. " and any gun easily convertible to a machine gun."

    That is literally ANY gun with a magazine, and access to a shop. Sure you want to go there? Bolt and lever and revolver actions. ALL of them. They can all be made semi-auto, which means full-auto is feasible.

  5. Yep, looks like the suppressor act is tabled. Oh, and the news is pushing the "NRA won't let the CDC to firearms research." I tried to Google the reason in order to educate my friends but Google only links to the anti gunner screed. (I admit that I gave up quickly.)

  6. Will: Such a broad ban is unpassable and they know it.
