
Monday, September 11, 2017

You Know Headlines Are Not Written by the Reporter, Right?

Antifa, far-right protesters clash again in Portland, disrupting peaceful rallies
So both antifa and far-right were violent is the obvious conclusion.  The text tells a different story:
Political rallies in Portland, Ore., and a neighboring town gave way to violence Sunday afternoon when black-clad antifa activists attacked police officers and far-right demonstrators, while other protesters from rival groups scuffled in the streets.
Two officers were treated for minor injuries after protesters fired slingshots and threw rocks, bottles and other projectiles at them, according to the Portland Police Bureau. At least nine people were arrested throughout the day on charges that included interfering with a police officer and disorderly conduct....
Most people were protesting peacefully, but within minutes some antifa activists began lighting smoke bombs and hurling objects at police. One counterprotester sprayed officers with a fire extinguisher, according to Willamette Week, while others fought with some of the Patriot Prayer supporters who turned out.

1 comment:

  1. When reading #FakeNews "reporting," I always bear in mind that "far-right" usually means "normal, conservative Republican voting Americans."

    But then, I seldom bother reading any MSM crapola today. If there's a grain of truth in anything they say it's too hard to separate that out from all the chaff, spin and outright lies that are the bulk of their "narrative."

    Cut the cord on TV over 10 years ago. Blood pressure is down, and pocketbook is fatter; win-win!
