
Saturday, September 16, 2017

No, Not A Satire

According to a new survey from Credible, a personal finance website, 50 percent of all respondents (ages 18-34) said they would give up their right to vote during the next two presidential elections in order to never have to make another loan payment again.
Other extremes include a willingness to ditch ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft (44 percent) and giving up travel outside of the country for five years (42 percent) to have student loans forgiven.
Yet, only 27 percent said they would be willing to move in with their parents for five years or give up texting at 13 percent. Of the 500 millennials surveyed, only 8.2 percent of them chose to keep paying off their debt and not give up anything.
Priorities; texting more than voting.

I am pleased that our son graduated without student loan debt (we had the money) and our  daughter only acquired student loan debt after she married.

1 comment:

  1. It would be interesting to see what amount of debt was the mean for each thing that would be given up. Perhaps 8.2% of students with debt were able to manage it via taking worthwhile classes that their debt is not so onerous?
