
Saturday, September 23, 2017

I Wish That I Had Been Paid That Well

$437,000 for 8 months of work.  Some fatcat CEO?  No.  9/22/17 APTN News:
The former Liberal candidate appointed by Indigenous-Crown Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett to conduct consultations on First Nation child welfare issues was given a $437,000 contract to do eight months of work, according to internal documents.
Bennett appointed Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, chair of truth and reconciliation at Lakehead University, as her special representative on child welfare in August 2016. The appointment, which ended on March 31, was made following the January 2016 ruling from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal which found Ottawa discriminated against First Nation children by under-funding child welfare services on-reserve.
Chair of truth and reconciliation?  How do I create such a program at my college?
Wesley-Esquimaux, who ran for the Liberals in 2011, was required to conduct consultations on child welfare, act as a mediator and conduct media interviews and produce a report on the issue, according to the contract obtained by NDP MP Charlie Angus.
A lot of 80 hour days with sweat and suffering, I am sure.

Hat tip Small Dead Animals.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to read the grant proposals for that and other studies with the incredible grant amounts. Do they incorporate employees working at some wage rate not reflected in the reality of using graduate student labor? That seems like a great way for the study administrator to make a lot of money by using market rates for the grunt work of surveying and compiling data but using much cheaper labor who is being paid in class credits, which in this case work a lot like the movie net profit points Eddie Murphy said were monkey points.
