
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

California Exodus?

9/18/17 Sacramento Bee:
More than half of California voters say the state’s housing affordability crisis is so bad that they’ve considered moving, and 60 percent of the electorate supports rent control, according to a new statewide poll.
The findings from UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies reflect broad concerns Californians have over the soaring cost of living. Amid an unprecedented housing shortage, rents have skyrocketed and tenants have faced mass evictions, especially in desirable areas.
“It’s an extremely serious problem,” said poll director Mark DiCamillo. “People are being forced to consider moving because of the rising cost of housing – that’s pretty prevalent all over the state.”
Bad problem?  Add rent control to make it worse.  I have noticed a lot more California plates in Boise of late.

1 comment:

  1. In Texas the recent California imports are blamed for the removal of Confederate Statues and changing the names of Schools. But there is no statistics to show there is any change in California population. It may take until 2021 for the California legislature to learn they are shrinking in population instead of continuously growing.
