
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Another SSM Advocate Bites the Dust

9/12/17 Seattle Times:
A younger cousin of Seattle Mayor Ed Murray has become the fifth man to accuse the mayor of sexual abuse, saying Murray repeatedly molested him as a teenager in the 1970s.
Murray announced his resignation Tuesday in the wake of the new allegations.

Joseph Dyer, 54, a dialysis technician and Air Force veteran, says he was 13 when Murray forced him into sex for about a year while the two shared a bedroom in Dyer’s mother’s home in the Long Island town of Medford, New York....
The molestation stopped, Dyer said, only after a boy in a Catholic group home where Murray worked accused Murray of abuse. According to Dyer, his uncle negotiated to get group-home officials not to pursue charges as long as Murray left. After that, Murray left town, Dyer said, and he never saw or spoke to his cousin again....
A report written in 1983 by an Oregon social worker — obtained by The Times in July — details Murray’s early work history with children.
The report noted Murray worked with children in a Catholic-sponsored program in Ireland for a year, before returning home after his mother died in 1974.
“After the funeral, he went to work again for the Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and was certified by New York State as a children’s counselor,” the social worker wrote, based on an interview with Murray.
Any guesses what Murray's relationship was like with his priest?

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