
Friday, July 21, 2017

Solar Power Made Easy

This company sells a solar system that instead of requiring an electrician, you just plug the output of the inverter into an outlet.  I asked the following questions:

1. Will the power going into that circuit cross the breaker and feed other circuits?  YES.

2.  Will the 110VAC going in that outlet feed 220VAC devices on other circuits?  NO.  Ask for the 220VAC inverter, plug into a 220VAC outlet.

3. Will the 220VAC input into the 220VAC circuit cross over to the 110VAC circuits?  YES.

4. Does the grid-tie require an electrician to install?  YES.  The ones that just plug into an outlet are not grid-tie and do not.  They is a grid-tie option.

The price is higher than more traditional solar systems, but it does seem to be entirely DIY.  I might hire my ex-Special Forces handyman to put the panels up.  They also sell backup/off-grid systems.  Amazon sells the more expensive systems only.

1 comment:

  1. If you're plugging an electric source into an outlet, how can that not energize the grid? I'd want a second opinion!
