
Friday, July 28, 2017

Justice System Failure

Defrocked priest Paul Shanley, one of the most notorious figures in the Boston clergy sex abuse scandal, was released from prison Friday after serving 12 years for child rape.
Shanley, 86, now faces 10 years of supervised probation.
Shanley, a once beloved, charismatic "street priest" who was defrocked after dozens of men came forward to accuse him of molesting them when they were children, was freed after experts told prosecutors that he does not meet the legal criteria for civil confinement as a sexually dangerous person....
Carmen Durso, attorney for four Shanley victims in civil cases against the Boston archdiocese, said Shanley traded on children's faith in powerful adults and teens' guilt and fear of homosexual pleasure for decades.
Shanley, who once toured the country giving lectures favoring sexual activity between children and men, was allowed to roam parishes for three decades.
What I have read is that he was one of the founders of the North American Man-Boy Love Association.

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