
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Unemployment Reaching Dangerously Low Levels

5/11/17 Investopedia is warning about the dangers of low unemployment: it will drive up wages.  A real danger thanks to that evil President Trump.  5/11/17 MarketWatch reports:
Don’t worry too much about a slump. The U.S. economy is going to shrug off that misleading 0.7% growth rate for the first quarter and keep adding jobs at a strong pace for the rest of the year, said Ryan Sweet, an economist at Moody’s Analytics and the winner of MarketWatch’s Forecaster of the Month contest for April.
In fact, it’s quite possible that by early next year the unemployment rate will drop below 4% for the first time since 2000, Sweet said in an interview.
5/11/17 Washington Examiner:
The end of April saw the fewer workers getting unemployment benefits than anytime in the last 28 years, the Department of Labor reported Thursday in a sign of the labor market's increasing health.
Just 1.9 million people received unemployment insurance benefits at the end of the month, the fewest since 1988. Benefits are available for up to 26 weeks in most states.
Even more encouraging: Averaging over the past four weeks, total unemployment benefit claims are running at the lowest rate since 1974, despite the workforce being 75 percent bigger.

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