
Monday, May 22, 2017

Never Realized Humans Were on the Sea Lion Menu

Next time some tree hugger screeches about protecting Gaea: 5/21/17 New York Post shows a sea lion dragging a little girl off a pier.  When rescued (I suspect by her dad), there is blood on her dress.


  1. The rescuer (good for him!) was not her dad.

    The video at the Post shows the girl walking away with her parents, and the Good Samaritan walking away separately.

  2. I think the "blood" was simply something like slime: the water she was dragged into wasn't that clean. But the point to be made is don't feed wild animals because they become demanding. You stop feeding before they are full and "unexpected" things happen. My cats alone show that, try taking a mouse or dead bird from them even when they have plenty to eat. My friendly little tigers start growling very loud.

  3. Not sure about the blood after rewatching the beginning of the video, her dress has decorations that might be mistaken for blood, as we saw her at the end in the distance.

  4. The girl acted naively. She turned her back on wild animal who was within striking distance. The family was lucky. Lesson learned, we hope.
