
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Last Man Standing Cancelled

Didn't make it through the first episode.  Perhaps I was expecting something as funny as Tim Allen's Home Improvement, both funny and family-friendly.  But 5/13/17 American Thinker:
Allen’s show, in which he plays the manager of a sporting goods chain, features Allen’s biting and genuinely funny witticisms poking fun at all things liberal. Its humor is balanced, with the show featuring a Canadian liberal son-in-law who gets his points across. But it is a rarity among sitcoms, in that any conservative viewpoints are represented at all. In its sixth season, "Last Man Standing" is doing quite well in the ratings. As the entertainment website noted:
ABC has opted not to renew the longtime Friday 8 PM anchor for Season 7 despite the fact that the blue-collar sitcom was ABC’s second most watched comedy this season with 8.1 million viewers in Live +7, only behind flagship Modern Family (8,7 million). It was the third most watched ABC scripted series overall behindGrey’s Anatomy and Modern Family….
Disney obviously has more monety than it needs.  Cancelling a low or mid-range show could be just a financial decision.  Cancelling a show that is number 2 in genre?  Politics.


  1. maybe they want to loose a lot of money so they will look like a good purchase for Apple.

  2. My wife and I like "Last Man Standing." The first episodes probably aren't representative of the rest of the show. Many episodes have a strong family message. There is a little more jokes about who Mike's favorite daughter is and he can be a bit more brusque than I'd prefer, but taken as a whole, he comes across as a very loving father to his daughters, a good husband to his wife and a good friend to his circle.

    Just my $0.02!

  3. Apparently, Disney has to start coughing up production money after the first 6 years. Syndication is a lock at this point, so why spend money to make less total? Win-win for the SJW's?

  4. Six years is about twice as many episodes as make for profitable syndication, as per David Gerrold in (I forget which) "making of Star Trek" book.

  5. Windy,

    IIRC, they want about 100 episodes for best syndication. Most shows have much less episodes per season than they did that long ago, so more years are now required.
