
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Transparency in Science

The House has voted to require EPA to release the data on which policies are made. 3/29/17 Associated Press:
A bill approved Wednesday by the GOP-controlled House would require that data used to support new regulations to protect human health and the environment be released to the public.
Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, said "the days of 'trust me' science are over," adding that the House bill would restore confidence in the EPA's decision-making process.
Connecticut Rep. Elizabeth Esty and other Democrats said the bill would cripple EPA's ability to conduct scientific research based on confidential medical information and risks privacy violations by exposing sensitive patient data.


  1. What does the EPA need to release names for? In fact, why the hell does the EPA even need to have names, instead of simply raw data? Good bill, pass it quickly.

  2. They don't. The Democrats know that the global warming thing is a lie to enrich their billionaire friends.
