
Saturday, January 14, 2017

This is Embarrassing

Somehowe we have lost one of the Jaguar X-type keyfobs and one of the XF keyfobs.  These are hideously expensive to replace--approaching $1000.  (And no, the usual suppliers say that Jaguar keeps the devices for programming these proprietary.)  We have searched everywhere.  I am hoping this will be covered by comprehensive on auto insurance or maybe homeowner's insurance.  Anyone have experience with this?

Found instructions for programming the X-type fob, and found a new one on eBay for $40.

The XF apparently requires the dealer to do it (special cable & software).  Still expensive, but key finders on order.  It may be a few weeks before I feel safe slaloming the XF down the driveway and being sure of it climbing the glacier afterwards.

Car insurance?  No.  Homeowner's?  Maybe, but we have a $1000 deductible so it doesn't make sense to file a claim.


  1. We got new key fobs for our Mercedes C230 and if we hadn't bought some extended warranties, it would have cost about $300. Certainly not nearly in the neighborhood of your fobs, but could have been painful.

    Some extended warranties will cover key fobs. There are companies that specialize in fixing and providing the new high tech keys and key fobs. Gooble "key fob replacement boise" or other nearby sizable city. You won't find them at a parts dealer. I'm not sure about insurance, but at about $1000 for a replacement, checking your auto insurance policy is a reasonable move. Jag is not the only car that has ridiculously priced key fobs.

    Good luck!


  2. Install a key hook board or cabinet for ALL keys you have, with each key having a designated spot. Duplicate keys must have their own spot. This it to be able to tell at a glance if ANY key is not in place. Strokes are just one of the reasons to do this.

    You may also consider setting up separate boards, or marking which key sets someone would normally use, to make it a little bit easier to figure out who might have misplaced them. Being visibly missing will make the absence obvious sooner, to assist in keeping track of them. This only works if you develop the habit of immediately putting the keys in place as soon as you walk in after finishing with the vehicle or locked object.

    Have you looked in ALL coats/jackets?
    I'm assuming you have scoured ALL the vehicles for them.
    Looked in your shop?
    In the car trunk?
    Purses and bags/backpacks.
    Left at service depts?
    In shopping bags?
    On coat hooks?
    In the 'fridge? (don't laugh, people do this)
    File cabinets.
    Cup hooks in the kitchen?
    Gun safe?
    Sock drawer?

  3. I can't offer any help on replacement keys or fobs- but here's something to consider for preventing this expensive tragedy from occurring in the future:,review-2657.html

    This is the one I've been considering:

    Hope you find them, Clayton!

  4. I wonder how much $ and effort it would take to replace those fobs with plain old keys.

    (Google glitched while signing in. Apologies if there are multiple posts--please delete dupes.)

  5. Rick C: Keys are so 20th century! When I approach my XF with fob in my pocket, it unlocks as soon as I get within one meter. If I approach the driver's door it only unlocks that one. Any other door and it unlocks all doors, trunk, and gas cap. No ignition; just press start.

  6. 20th Century keys don't cost $1000 when you lose them, though. :)

  7. We lost our Lexus of the first places we looked was my husband's recliner, because he leans way back and often loses things in the cushions. No luck. The next day we looked UNDER the recliner, and had traveled all the way down and to the carpet beneath.

    Good luck!

  8. Rick C: Very true but they do so much less.

  9. Clayton, I hope you'll update this topic- with when you find your keys, or the final cost of actually having them replaced- and how the keyfinders work out in practice.

    Best of luck!
