
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Phossy Jaw

I am watching Ripper Street, a grim show about Victorian police work in the East End of London.  Tonight's episode was centered on "phossy jaw," a disfiguring poisoning of female match workers caused by exposure to white phosphorous (hence the name).  Many years ago, a Salvation Army officer told me that the Army played a big part in ending phossy jaw.  I could never find anything about that, but Google's continuing digitizing of books has paid off.  D.E.C. Corbridge, Phosphorus: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Technology, Sixth Edition describes how the Salvation Army set up match factories in London using a new safer technology, competing with "the vested interests" and to improve wages for the workers.  Talk about putting your faith in action!

1 comment:

  1. The Salvation Army is definitely one of the Good Guys. They're one of the few charities that I support, having found to my dismay that many so-called "charities" are really just vehicles to pay their executives large salaries and give them first-class travel and accomodation.

    I will not ever donate to the Red Cross for that reason.
