
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Pakistani Arrested After Truck Terrorist Attack

Berlin (AFP) - A sudden bang -- and then everything went dark.
Survivors of the carnage caused when a lorry ploughed into a Berlin Christmas market recount the fear and horror they felt when festive revelry turned to death and destruction in a matter of seconds.
Many also told of lucky escapes and chance decisions that meant they were not standing in the path of the truck that mowed down the crowd on Monday, killing at least 12 people.
This isn't the first such Islamist truck massacre.  Think back to the Bastille Day attack.  What next?  Vehicle licensing?  Too late.

The Pakistani has been released.  12/19/16 Daily Mail:
Tonight German police faced difficult questions about their investigation after they released the only suspect they had in custody, saying there was not enough evidence to tie him to the rampage.  
Naved B, a 23-year-old Pakistani asylum seeker, had been detained in the immediate aftermath of last night's carnage following a tip-off from witnesses. But Naved B, who had no blood on his clothes and no injuries, denied having anything to do with bloodbath. It means the killer lorry driver remains on the loose and armed with a gun.

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12/21/16 CBS News reports:
A new suspect in the deadly terror attack on a Christmas market in Berlin has been identified.
Law enforcement sources told CBS News that police are searching for Anis Amri, a native of Tunisia. The sources said Amri left personal documents in the truck that rammed into the market on Monday, killing 12 people and injuring nearly 50 others. German media outlets have identified the Tunisian man as an asylum seeker who was registered in the North Rhine-Westphalia in Western Germany.

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