
Saturday, November 19, 2016

Muslim Reaction to President Trump

11/18/16 New York Times:
In Iraq, where modern history has been profoundly shaped by the decisions of American presidents, officials and citizens alike are weighing Mr. Trump’s harsh words against his promise to defeat terrorism.
Surprisingly, some Iraqis seemed less offended by Mr. Trump’s comments linking terrorism to Islam than American liberals.
Iraqis have endured years of Islam being used to justify mass killing, and some see Mr. Trump as a truth-teller in calling out Islam — or a certain brand of it — as the problem.
Iraqi Shiites say they believe Mr. Trump will take a harder line on Saudi Arabia, the Sunni power that many see as the incubator of the extreme form of Islam, Wahhabism, that forms a basis of the Islamic State’s ideology.
“The victory of Trump is the beginning of the end of extremist Islam and Wahhabism,” said Mouwafak al-Rubaie, an Iraqi lawmaker and the country’s former national security adviser. [emphasis added]
Of course, because liberals in their guarded penthouses have less to worry about from Islamic terrorism than Muslims in rough parts of the Earth.

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