
Saturday, September 3, 2016

More Evidence States Should Shut Down Their State Universities

Nonnegotiable’ list of expected beliefs about diversity and inclusion 
Calling the University of Nebraska Lincoln a place that “values acceptance,” the institution kicked off the fall semester with its newly installed chancellor essentially telling new students they should not say or do things that might be offensive or cause people to feel disrespected, calling the stance “nonnegotiable.”
“We insist on a culture of respect, and we recognize that words and actions really matter,” Chancellor Ronnie Green said during a speech at the new student convocation on Aug. 19.
While suggesting the university values free speech and freedom of expression, Green – who took the helm of UNL this summer – went on to declare: “We do not tolerate actions of hate and disrespect.”
The policy, being called by campus leaders a set of “belief statements” on diversity and inclusion, is also spelled out on its website.
Green’s comments come as Christianity and conservatism — even support of Donald Trump — is accused of being intolerant, hateful and racist on campuses nationwide.
Can you teach history still?  Or do you have to cleanse it of discussions of child sacrifice?  Can you mention that ISIS chain saws people to death? Can you discuss medieval anti-Semitism, or does that make Catholics feel disrespected?

In fact all this blathering is only to make some groups feel better about themselves: homosexuals, Muslims, blacks, neopagans, and whatever group next claims they feel bad about themselves and is part of the progressive left.

Oh, and:
The “belief statements” also come as the university announces a new assistant vice president for diversity, access and inclusion, Stancia Whitcomb Jenkins.
Ever wonder why students end up so deeply in debt?

1 comment:

  1. Why the phony half-measures? If you want the residents to be silent, convert the college to a Trappist Monastery and be done with it.
