
Thursday, September 8, 2016

I Learn Something New Every Day

I always thought glass blocked UV.  Nope.  
For years, dermatologists have observed that patients in the US often have more sun damage (which can lead to wrinkles, leathering, sagging, brown “age” spots and even skin cancers) on the left side of their faces than on the right. Why? Research increasingly points to ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation penetrating through car windows.
UV radiation from the sun, associated with about 90 percent of all skin cancers, reaches the earth as long- wavelength UVA and shortwave UV B rays. glass effectively blocks UVB, and windshields are specially treated to block UVA as well, but a car’s side and rear windows allow UVA to penetrate.

Since I now wear UV blocking sunglasses when driving, I am thinking that one of these UV blocking films on the side windows might be a good idea.

1 comment:

  1. I think that automotive glass already blocks most UV; this is why photo-gray glasses do not work well in vehicles. I suspect that the observations are due to the fact that many people drive with their window down. In my case, their is a pronounced difference in character between my left and right arms.
