
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Green Party Convention

Ndgo told attendees that people have assumptions about poor people, including about their intellect, their skill set, and their work ethic. Ndgo said there is absolutely no connection. 
They aren't assumptions but based on experience and repeated contacts.
Ndgo said the Democratic Party has billionaires who are trying to solve the issues of poverty, but they have no way of understanding how it feels to be without electricity, or food in the refrigerator. She noted that Democrat-run cities were in a mess, and schools in those cities do not even have toilet paper in the bathrooms. Others have referred to the control of these Democrat-run cities as the “Supermassive Blue Hole” effect.
“And you live in a Democratic city, and you are supposed to be believing in the Democrats that run your city. How’s that supposed to happen?” Again there was applause and someone shouted, “Exit!”

1 comment:

  1. Super massive blue hole effect.

    If it isn't true it isn't funny.

    Thanks for the post.
